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KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
Herbal tea for the bronchi and airways

KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
Herbal tea for the bronchi and airways


All prices are incl. VAT
Delivery Time: ca. 2 - 7 business days

The KOTTAS Kräuterhaus combines high-quality herbs in a mixture that provides relief for ailing bronchial tubes and respiratory tract. Thus, herbs such as marshmallow leaves relieve coughing and protect the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, ribwort fights infections, mullein is expectorant and thyme is considered a well-tried remedy for respiratory diseases.

Ingredients: marshmallow leaf, ribwort leaf, marshmallow root, thyme leaf, mullein flower, mallow flower


The optimal preparation

  • Pour a quarter liter (250 ml) of boiling water over one heaping tablespoon of the tea mixture per cup and let it steep covered for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink lukewarm one cup at a time several times a day.
  • Depending on your preference, sweeten the tea with honey or sugar. The tea should be regularly consumed over an extended period of time.
Bronchien Atemwege mood - KOTTAS Kräuter & Gewürze
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The following products complement your product selection

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    • 1 x DR. KOTTAS immune system tea 20 filter bags
    • 1 x DR. KOTTAS Thyme Tea with Ribwort and Eucalyptus organic 20 filter bags
    • 1 x DR. KOTTAS Elderflower tea 20 filter bags
    • 1x DR. KOTTAS Ginger Tea with Lemongrass 20 filter bags


    All prices are incl. VAT
    Delivery Time: ca. 2 - 7 business days

The KOTTAS Kräuterhaus combines high-quality herbs in a mixture that provides relief for ailing bronchial tubes and respiratory tract. Thus, herbs such as marshmallow leaves relieve coughing and protect the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, ribwort fights infections, mullein is expectorant and thyme is considered a well-tried remedy for respiratory diseases.

Ingredients: marshmallow leaf, ribwort leaf, marshmallow root, thyme leaf, mullein flower, mallow flower

Additional information


150g, 60g

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