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Smiling woman with a cup of tea in her hands.

Full steam ahead!

Tired legs, stress, difficulty relaxing body and mind?

Discover our selected tea blends and pure substances for well-being and lightness.

  • Grauer Hintergrund mit DR. KOTTAS Rotes Weinlaub Venen Tee Packung

    DR. KOTTAS Organic Red Vine Leaf Vein Tea

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    For fresh light legs! For DR. KOTTAS Red Vine Leaf Vein Tea, only the leaves of certain grape varieties, the Teinturier (colouring vines), are used. They are tested for their polyphenol and anthocyanin content in accordance with the French pharmacopoeia. Contains liquorice - excessive consumption of this product should be avoided if you have high blood pressure. TIP: Hot showers, saunas and intensive sunbathing should be avoided if you have weak veins. We recommend cold showers for the legs, compression stockings and regular leg exercises. Ingredients: Red vine leaves*, hibiscus flowers*, peppermint leaves*, liquorice root* *from certified organic farming Contents: The herbal blend is packaged in 20 double-chamber filter bags of 1.9 g, dosed ready for use, ingredient and flavour protected. Preparation: Pour boiling water over 1 filter bag per cup (125 ml), cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then squeeze out the filter bag well and drink the tea lukewarm or cold, preferably with a dash of lemon, in sips. 3-4 cups a day.


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  • Webshop Anzeigebild gruener hafer - KOTTAS Kräuter & Gewürze

    DR. KOTTAS Organic Green Oats Tea

    Green oats is the oat herb harvested while still green. This soothing herbal tea is balancing and relaxing, even in stressful situations at school and work. Due to the cocoa shells it tastes pleasantly chocolaty. Contains licorice - in case of high blood pressure excessive consumption of this product should be avoided. TIP: DR. KOTTAS Green Oat Tea also tastes particularly good with milk and sweetened. Ingredients: Green oats*, cocoa shells*, licorice root* *from certified organic farming Contents: The herbal blend is packaged in 20 double chamber filter bags of 1.7 g, ready for use, ingredient and flavor protected. Preparation: Pour boiling water over 1 filter bag per cup (125) and leave to infuse for at least 10 minutes, or 20 minutes for a stronger extract, covered or simmer gently. Then squeeze out the filter bag well and drink the tea several times a day, either lukewarm or cold, in sips.


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  • Webshop Anzeigebild Lavendel - KOTTAS Kräuter & Gewürze

    DR. KOTTAS Organic Lavender Tea

    Relaxing, balancing and rich in essential oils. Lavender grows on the plateaus of the High Provence in southern France and covers the fields in early summer with its intense purple flowers. It has always been appreciated in Provence for its calming properties and is popular as a tea to drink before going to sleep. A wonderful herbal tea with the scent of Provence! TIP: Drink a cup before going to bed for a peaceful night's sleep! Ingredients: Lavender flowers* *from certified organic farming Contents: The herbal tea is packaged in 20 double-chamber filter bags of 0.5 g, ready to use, with the ingredients and flavour protected. Preparation: Pour boiling water over 1 filter bag per cup (125-250 ml), cover and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes. Then squeeze out the filter bag well and drink the tea lukewarm, in sips. The tea can be sweetened to taste. Drink a cup of tea several times a day.


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  • Eine Dose DR. KOTTAS Vitamin B-Komplex zur Unterstützund von Nerven- und Energiestoffwechsel sowie gesunder Haut.

    DR. KOTTAS Vitamin B complex

    The DR. KOTTAS buckwheat powder contains the seedling of the plant and valuable vital substances such as vitamin B complex, minerals and trace elements. The natural B vitamins are particularly well absorbed by the organism and promote a healthy nervous and energy metabolism as well as the maintenance of the health of the skin. Free from preservatives, additives and artificial colors Contains 60 capsules / ℮ 32g


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  • Magnesium, Magnesiummangel, Sport, Muskeln, müde, erschöpft

    DR. KOTTAS Magnesiumcitrat

    Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, psyche, muscles and energy metabolism. Increased stress, sport and physical strain can lead to a magnesium deficiency. DR. KOTTAS magnesium citrate capsules with high bioavailability are absorbed by the body particularly quickly and can contribute to a supportive supply of magnesium.
    free from preservatives, additives and artificial colors Contains 60 capsules / ℮ 41g


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  • Engergy forte Anzeigebild Reinsubstanz - KOTTAS Kräuter & Gewürze

    DR. KOTTAS Energy forte

    This energizing blend of high-quality plants such as maca, mate cocoa, chlorella, guarana, green tea, chili, ginkgo, stinging nettle and fruits such as aronia berries and blueberries support your body in coping with mental and physical challenges. The vitamin B complex, L. Carnitine and vitamin C and iron support your energy metabolism.
    free from preservatives, additives and artificial colors Contains 30 capsules / ℮ 13g


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  • Dr.Kottas Webshop Anzeigelayout 2 Ginkgo - KOTTAS Kräuter & Gewürze

    DR. KOTTAS Ginkgo forte

    To support mental activity and normal blood flow to the brain
    Provides Ginkgo Biloba Grind, Ginkgo Biloba Extract
    free from preservatives, additives and artificial colors Contains 60 capsules / ℮ 32g


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  • Eine Packung KOTTAS Lerntee als lose Teemischung in weißer Verpackung mit grünem Firmenlogo.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for studying

    Keep a cool head in academically stressful situations! Orange blossoms strengthen the nerves, lime blossoms and lemon balm relax the mind in stressful situations, Breckland thyme calms and St. John's wort brightens the mood. Thus, you will master any study situation and the way forward seems easier. Preparation: Pour a quarter of a litre (250 ml) of boiling water over one heaping tablespoon of the tea mixture per cup and let it steep for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink one cup lukewarm several times a day. The tea should be drunk regularly over a long period of time. Ingredients: orange blossom, linden blossom, melissa leaf, St. John's wort, Breckland thyme Net weight: 100 g


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  • Eine weiße Papierverpackung von KOTTAS Venentee, mit grünen Akzenten.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for veins

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    Light legs and healthy veins KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Herbal Tea for Veins combines carefully selected herbs for vein health and a feeling of light legs. For example, horse chestnut blossom has astringent effects and strengthens blood vessels and veins. Buckwheat herb promotes blood circulation and elasticity, while lemon balm leaf is relaxing and antispasmodic.   Ingredients: Horse chestnut flower, buckwheat herb, lemon balm leaf, hawthorn herb with flower, rosemary leaf, orange flower, mate leaves, curled mint, mallow flower Preparation: Pour a quarter of a litre (250 ml) of boiling water over one heaping tablespoon of the tea mixture per cup and let it steep covered for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink lukewarm one cup at a time several times a day. The tea should be drunk regularly over a long period of time. Storage: Store in a dry place and not above room temperature. Close aroma protection package tightly after opening. Net weight: ℮ 160 g


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  • Dunkelgrüne Verpackung mit KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Entspannungstee

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Relaxing Tea

    More serenity in your hectic everyday life! The herbal blend KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Relaxing Tea impresses with its lemony note and the full-bodied composition of the finest herbs, flowers and spices. The tea combines the calming and relaxing properties of the various herbs to a delicious blend. In turbulent times, a cup of relaxation tea enjoyed in all comfort can help to bring more serenity, peace and relaxation into everyday life. The Relaxing Tea consists exclusively of 100% natural ingredients: No preservatives, no flavor enhancers, no artificial additives, no added salt or sugar, and the tea is vegan. KOTTAS Relaxing Tea can be drunk throughout the day as well as in the evening before bedtime. Ingredients: Rosehip, hibiscus, lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, cardamom, sunflower, chamomile, cinnamon. Preparation: Add 2-3 teaspoons per cup (250ml) and cover with boiling water. Let steep covered for 10mins, strain and enjoy! Storage: Aroma protected. Store dry and not over room temperature (25 ° C). Net weight: ℮ 80 g


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  • Dunkelgrüne Verpackung mit KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Vitalitätstee

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Vitality Tea

    We bring nature to your cup! KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Vitality Tea is our answer to the ever-increasing desire for a tea that benefits body, soul and mind, whilst not neglecting the taste! This natural herbal & spice mixture has been put together harmoniously with the aim of strengthening and activating the body’s immune system. This warming tea brings you strength and joie de vivre! Ingredients: Ginger, melissa, apples, fennel, rosemary, mistletoe, narrowleaf plantain, star anise, liquorice, ginseng, jasmine, cinnamon, clove Preparation: Add 2 teaspoons per cup (250ml), fill with boiling water, let steep covered for 10 minutes, strain and enjoy! Storage: Store aroma protected and in a dry place. Net weight: ℮ 80 g


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  • Qi-Energie-Tee_Anzeigebild

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Qi-Energy Tea

    We bring nature into your cup! KOTTAS Worldwide tea specialities invite you to discover the tastes from various countries from around the world. Discover China with our KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Qi-Energy Tea, a herbal tea based on traditional Chinese medicine, providing you with more energy. This far eastern tea is based on proven traditional recipes. It is made predominantly with western or local herbs which have been classified according to their Chinese purpose. Ginseng, lemon peel and angelica root give energy and strength. Ginger and rosemary warm and energize the body. Yarrow and peppermint solve blockades. Liquorice, lemongrass, cumin and fennel support this effect. "Qi" (pronounced chi) means energy and drive, we need it in our lives. Ingredients: Ginseng, hibiscus, lemongrass, peppermint, liquorice root, cumin, fennel, yarrow, angelica root, ginger, lemon peel, rosemary, anise, lady's mantle, narrowleaf plantain leaves, peony flowers Preparation: Add 2 teaspoons per cup (250ml), fill with boiling water, let steep covered for 10 minutes, strain and enjoy! Storage: Aroma protected. Store dry and not over room temperature (25 ° C) Net weight: ℮ 100 g


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  • Dunkelgrüne Verpackung mit KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Klarer Kopf Kräutertee

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Clear mind

    We bring nature into your cup! The KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Clear mind herbal tea is a composition of fine herbs that promote a clear head. The exceptional blend of tea has a delicious taste and provides one with a sense of spiritual freshness. Ingredients: Greek verbena, lemon verbena, melissa, ginkgo, rose petals Preparation: Add 2 teaspoons per cup (250ml) and fill with boiling water. Let steep 10minutes, strain and enjoy! Storage: Aroma protected. Store dry and not over room temperature (25 ° C). Net weight: ℮ 70 g


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