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253-269 of 269 products

  • Husten, Bronchitis, Schnupfen, Hausmittel, freie Nase

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Horseradish Galangal Powder

    For a clear nose: horseradish-galangal powder For cough, bronchitis and cold, KOTTAS Kräuterhaus horseradish-galangal powder is a good support. The mixture combines expectorant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and helps to clear the nose.   Free from preservatives, additives and artificial colors Contains ℮ 50g


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  • Für deine Lunge dank schleim- und krampflösenden Inhaltsstoffen. Wohltuend bei Husten und Lungenbeschwerden in der Erkältungszeit.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Licorice Root Cinnamon Fennel Powder

    For your lungs: Licorice root-cinnamon-fennel powder. Beneficial in cold season. Licorice root has expectorant and mucosa-protective effects, fennel is expectorant and antispasmodic due to its essential oils as well as bacteriostatic. In addition, cinnamon has generally tonic and also anti-bacterial properties. For these reasons, the powder mixture can help with cough and lung problems. Free from preservatives, excipients and artificial colors. Filling weight: ℮ 50g


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  • Grüntee, Grüner Tee, Bio-Tee, Banchatee

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Organic Bancha Tea

    We bring the flavour to your cup! KOTTAS Kräuterhaus organic bancha tea is a very popular green tea from southern Japan. Bancha consists of the leaves of the first high-quality bancha harvest (Ato - Bancha) in June. Bancha is characterised by a low caffeine content and is therefore very digestible. Ingredients: 100% green tea "Bancha" (caffeinated) from certified organic farming Preparation: In Japan, several infusions are prepared from the Bancha leaves, which differ in flavour. First infusion: Boil water and allow it to cool to approx. 80°C in order to preserve the tea's valuable ingredients. Cover and infuse 2-3 teaspoons per cup for 2-3 minutes and strain. Second and further infusions: Use the leaves from the first infusion and pour hot water at 80 °C over them again, leave to infuse for approx. 30 seconds, strain and enjoy on their own! Tip: The second infusion is lower in tannins and caffeine and therefore has a particularly harmonious flavour. Storage: Store in a dry place to protect the flavour. Net weight: ℮ 100 g  


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  • New
    Dunkelgrüne KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Teepackung mit Honigbuschtee in Bioqualität

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Organic Honeybush Tea

      The South African speciality for those with a sweet tooth With KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Organic Honeybush Tea, you can embark on an exciting flavour safari to South Africa. With its mild, sweet flavour, this aromatic hot drink will enchant your senses. Both the leaves and the delicate flowers of the honeybush are used to make it. The latter are responsible for the enchanting honey flavour. This is why the honey is harvested directly during flowering, when the flavour is particularly sweet. KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Organic Honeybush Tea contains many trace elements and minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. At the same time, the proportion of tannic acid is very low, which makes the infusion drink a wholesome, caffeine-free alternative to classic tea. Ingredients: 100% honeybush from certified organic farming Preparation: Pour boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Organic Honeybush Tea per cup. Cover and leave to infuse for 3 minutes, strain and enjoy! Storage: Store flavour-protected, dry and not above room temperature (25 °C). Filling weight: ℮ 125 g


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  • 5,99

    KOTTAS Marienkroner fasting tea

    A caffeinated herbal tea with green tea! The Kurhaus Marienkron in Mönchhof was founded 50 years ago by nuns and reopened in 2019 after a general renovation with a new concept "Health begins in the gut". Nutrition and fasting are an essential part of the therapy. Our KOTTAS Marienkroner fasting tea is intended to reflect the common values of tradition as well as high quality standards. Ingredients:
    • Nettle leaf
    • Dandelion
    • Cheese poplar
    • Green tea
    • Coriander
    • Milk thistle
    • Peppermint leaf
    • 20 Teabags


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Dunkelgrüne Verpackung mit Kräuterteemischung zur Entschlackung.

    KOTTAS Marienkroner Fresh Start
    Herbal tea for detoxification

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    KOTTAS Marienkroner Fresh start Herbal tea for detoxification KOTTAS Marienkroner Fresh start Herbal tea for detoxification is a proprietary tea blend with carefully selected herbs that are said to have detoxifying and digestive properties. They promote the production of bile and are cleansing for the skin. We recommend this tea as an accompaniment in spring or to balance the complexion. The tea can also be used for face washes. Find out more about the traditional Retreat & Healthresort Marienkron. Ingredients: pansy, nettle leaf, yarrow herb, dandelion leaf, peppermint leaf, marigold Preparation: Pour boiling water over 2 heaped teaspoons of KOTTAS Marienkroner Neuer Start herbal tea for detoxification per cup, cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, strain and enjoy in sips or use for face washes. Storage: Store in a dry place and protect the flavour. Net weight: ℮ 70 g


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Dunkelgrüne Verpackung mit Kräuterteemischung für den Stoffwechsel.

    KOTTAS Marienkroner New Balance
    Herbal tea for metabolism

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    KOTTAS Marienkroner New Balance herbal tea for the support of the metabolism KOTTAS Marienkroner New Balance herbal tea for the metabolism is a balanced tea blend that was developed together with the traditional Retreat & Healthresort Marienkron. The traditional recipe contains high-quality herbs such as goat weed and maize hair, which are said to have positive balancing properties on the sugar metabolism. To support your metabolism. Ingredients: Bean skin, honeysuckle, corn hair, blackberry leaf, Chinese cinnamon, clove root Preparation: Pour boiling water over 2 heaped teaspoons of KOTTAS Marienkroner New Balance Herbal Tea for the Metabolism per cup, cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, strain and enjoy in sips. Storage: Store in a dry place and protect the flavour. Net weight: ℮ 80 g


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  • A bottle of DR. KOTTAS Amari herbal bitters in a vintage look.

    ORIGINAL DR. KOTTAS Herbal Bitter Amari

    The original DR. KOTTAS Herbal Bitter Amari relieves feelings of fullness or loss of appetite. Our herbal bitters are made according to an old family recipe from more than 20 tasty herbs in pharmacy quality. A pleasure after every meal. Contents: 40 ml and 500 ml bottles Alcohol contents: 32 % ABV


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  • A dark bottle of DR. KOTTAS herbal bitters which aids digestion.

    ORIGINAL DR. KOTTAS Swedish Bitter (Swedish Herbs) with saffron

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    Made after an old family recipe ORIGINAL DR. KOTTAS Swedish bitter is made according to an old family recipe with 17 herbs, including saffron. ORIGINAL DR. KOTTAS Swedish bitter with bitter herbs is beneficial for digestion and also for people who suffer from loss of appetite. For external use it is soothing for muscle and joint pains. Content: Bottles of 200 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml. Alcohol Content: 28 % ABV


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Räucherwerk

    Für Bestellungen von Räucherware kontaktieren Sie bitte unser Kräuterhaus Team per Telefon, E-Mail oder Fax: KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Freyung 7 A-1010 Wien Tel.: +43 / (0)1 533 95 32 Fax: +43 / (0)1 532 56 10 shop@kottas.at EINZELSORTIMENT Beifuß Entspannend, beruhigend, nervenstärkend. Benzoe Für geistige Kraft, aphrodisierend. Berg Athos Akazienweihrauch Stimuliert positives Denken, gibt Mut. Berg Athos Jasminweihrauch angstlösend, entspannend, stimmungsaufhellend. Berg Athos Myrrhenweihrauch reinigend, inspirierend. Berg Athos Rosenweihrauch einhüllend, geborgen. Berg Athos Zypressenweihrauch schützend, trauerbegleitend. Bernstein Wirkt ionisierend auf die Raumluft, gegen Ermüdung, Erschöpfung. Herbes, kräftiges Aroma. Copal Blanco Gedanken klärend, Ruhe bringend. Copal Gold Inspirationsfördernd, für Vertrauen. Copal Herz-öffnend, geistklärend, erfrischend. Dammar Gemütsaufhellend, positiv stimmend. Dammar indisch konzentrationsfördernd, motivierend, gegen Lustlosigkeit und für Selbstvertrauen. Drachenblut Stärkt Körper und Geist. Dreikönigsweihrauch Wohlfühlduft zur Raumbeduftung. Elemi stabilisierend, besänftigend und stärkend. Für Selbstvertrauen und Mut. Fichtenharz reinigt und schützt, klärt den Geist. Gummi Arabicum Trägermittel zum Räuchern von ätherischen Ölen. Kardamom bei Erschöpfung, nervenstärkend, aufmunternd. Mastix fördert die Lebensfreude, stimmungsaufhellend, konzentrationsfördernd. Myrrhe erdend, klärend. Opoponax “süße Myrrhe”, lässt einen runterkommen, beruhigt die Gedanken, fördert den Schlaf. Erdend, zentrierend, festigend. Palo Santo Dem „heiligen Holz“ Palo Santo werden große Heilkräfte und das Vertreiben böser Geister bzw. negativer Energien aller Art nachgesagt. Rosenblüte bei Liebeskummer, spendet Geborgenheit und Trost. Styrax entspannend, für Gelassenheit. Vertreibt negative Gedanken. Styrax körnig entspannend, für Gelassenheit. Starker Schutz. Tonkabohne euphorisierend, gemütsaufhellend. Weihrauch reinigt, neutralisiert Gedanken, keimtötend. Weißer Salbei Reinigungs- und Segnungspflanze. Zedernspitzen stark reinigend, erdend.   RÄUCHERMISCHUNGEN Dr. Kottas Winterzeit Weihrauch, Myrrhe, Benzoe, Orangenschalen, Rosenblüten, Gewürznelken. Energie- und Kraftmischung Weihrauch, Zitronengras, Kampfer, Eukalyptus u.a. Fröhliche Weihnachten Weihrauch, Myrrhe, Benzoe, Orangenschale, Rosenblüten, Gewürznelken. Glücksgefühle Weihrauch, Kardamom, Muskat, Zeder, u.a. Hausreinigung Wacholderholz, Alantwurzel, Myrtenblätter, Ysop u.v.m. Rosenweihrauch euphorisierend, ausgleichend. Weihrauch Noblesse Weihrauchmischung mit goldenem Weihrauch zur Raumbeduftung. Zirbenweihrauch schlaffördernd, bringt Erholung und gibt neue Energie.   RÄUCHERKEGEL Franziskerl Zur Raumbeduftung. Weihrauchkegel mit Sandelholz Zur Raumbeduftung. Weiters: Patchouli, Vanille, Apfel-Zimt, Ambra-Moschus, Sandelholz   Preis auf Anfrage: shop@kottas.at.
  • Eine Packung Sagrada Madre Räucherstäbchen mit Copal in nachhaltiger brauner Kartonverpackung.

    Sagrada Madre Incense Sticks
    with Copal

      Copal - Ready for happiness from head to toe Sagrada Madre incense sticks with Copal, a resin, have a light lemony and fresh woody scent. Copal is said to have a cleansing and purifying effect, and to brighten the mood. This incense resin from the Amazon forest enhances concentration and stimulates the mind. In addition, Copal is revered as it is believed to attract both material and spiritual fortune. Therefore, it is considered one of the most noble and sought-after incense resins. 100% ecologically handmade in Argentina.   About Sagrada Madre: Sagrada Madre, which means "Holy Mother", is a family business from Argentina. They work in harmony with Mother Nature and are conscientious with their limited resources. To counteract deforestation, they plant more trees than they need for production. Sustainability and fair trade at all levels are a priority. All incense sticks are made from renewable materials and packaged in natural packaging material to protect the environment.   Contents: 8 incense sticks with a burning time of about 1 hour and a length of about 22 cm.  


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • A package of Sagrada Madre incense sticks with lemongrass and palo santo in brown sustainable packaging with gold decorations.

    Sagrada Madre Incense Sticks
    with Lemongrass and Palo Santo Wood

      Lemongrass brings a breath of fresh air Sagrada Madre lemongrass incense sticks with Palo Santo wood exude a refreshing and invigorating scent that brings clarity and renewed strength to mind and spirit. In addition, lemongrass acts as a mood enhancer. Palo Santo, meaning "holy wood", has been used in sacred rituals and ceremonies since time immemorial. It is known for its energetic purifying effect and its typical aroma. Palo Santo creates peace and balance. 100% ecologically handmade in Argentina.   About Sagrada Madre: Sagrada Madre, which means "Holy Mother", is a family business from Argentina. They work in harmony with Mother Nature and are conscientious with their limited resources. To counteract deforestation, they plant more trees than they need for production. Sustainability and fair trade at all levels are a priority. All incense sticks are made from renewable materials and packaged in natural packaging material to protect the environment.   Contents: 8 incense sticks with a burning time of about 1 hour and a length of about 22 cm.


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  • A package of Sagrada Madre incense sticks with roses and palo santo in a delicate and decorative rose packaging.

    Sagrada Madre Incense Sticks
    with Palo Santo Wood and Roses

      Roses create rosy moments of bliss Incense with roses soothes the mind and is relaxing. The rose not only enchants with its delicate floral scent, it also creates warmth and harmony. It is an integral part of incense rituals for love and sensuality, as well as protection. Palo Santo, meaning "holy wood", has been used in sacred rituals and ceremonies since ancient times. It is known for its energetically purifying effect and its typical aroma. Palo Santo creates peace and balance. Made 100% organic by hand in Argentina. About Sagrada Madre: Sagrada Madre, which means "Holy Mother" , is a family business from Argentina. They work in harmony with Mother Nature and are conscientious with their limited resources. To counteract deforestation, they plant more trees than they need for production. Sustainability and fair trade at all levels are a priority. All incense sticks are made from renewable materials and packaged in natural packaging material to protect the environment.   Contents: 8 incense sticks with a burning time of about 1 hour and a length of about 22 cm.


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  • A brown sustainable packaging with sparkling green decorations of Sagrada Madre incense sticks with rosemary and frankincense.

    Sagrada Madre Incense Sticks
    with Rosemary and Frankincense

      Rosemary and frankincense as a powerful pairing for the soul These Sagrada Madre incense sticks combine strengthening rosemary and clarifying frankincense for a blissful aromatic experience. Rosemary strengthens willpower and drive, providing courage and clarity. It encourages and has a cleansing and protective effect. In addition, rosemary is considered as a plant for love and sun. To complete the ensemble, frankincense calms our mind. Its delicate ceremonial scent exudes comfort and purifies the mind and body. Frankincense dispels negative energies, creating peace and well-being. 100% ecologically handmade in Argentina. About Sagrada Madre: Sagrada Madre, which means "Holy Mother" in German, is a family business from Argentina. They work in harmony with Mother Nature and are conscientious with their limited resources. To counteract deforestation, they plant more trees than they need for production. Sustainability and fair trade at all levels are a priority. All incense sticks are made from renewable materials and packaged in natural packaging material to protect the environment. Contents: 8 incense sticks with a burning time of about 1 hour and a length of about 22 cm.


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  • A package of Sagrada Madre incense sticks with sandalwood and frankincense in brown sustainable packaging with sparkling red decorations.

    Sagrada Madre Incense Sticks
    with Sandalwood and Frankincense

      Sandalwood and incense create inner balance Sagrada Madre incense sticks contain sandalwood, which relieves tension and nervousness, it calms and soothes. Therefore, they are good for stressful and hectic situations. Frankincense also calms the mind. Its subtle soothing scent cleanses both mind and body and clears negative energies. Thus, frankincense creates inner peace and well-being. Handmade 100% organically in Argentina.   About Sagrada Madre: Sagrada Madre, "Holy Mother", is a family business from Argentina. They work in harmony with Mother Nature and are conscientious with their limited resources. To counteract deforestation, they plant more trees than they need for production. Sustainability and fair trade at all levels are a priority. All incense is made from renewable materials and packaged in natural packaging materials to protect the environment.   Contents: 8 incense sticks with a burning time of about 1 hour and a length of about 22 cm.


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  • Sold out

    Soapstone incense burner bowl

    Incense burner made of soapstone. Accessories for smoking resins, herbs and woods. Material: soapstone Height: 3cm Diameter: 6.5 cm


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  • Räucherschale, Speckstein, Räuchern

    Soapstone incense burner bowl grey

    Elegant incense burner made of soapstone. Accessories for smoking resins, herbs and woods. Material: soapstone Height: 3 cm Diameter: 10 cm


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