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Loose Tea for your Health


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22-32 of 32 products

  • Eine weiße Packung loser Tee für die Blase, aufrecht stehend.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for the bladder

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus herbal tea for the bladder combines selected herbs in pharmacy quality to a soothing tea for bladder infections or as general care for the bladder. Horsetail, horseradish root, goldenrod herb and nettle leaf are considered diuretic and are often used for bladder infections. Bird's knotweed and parsley root strengthen the body and immune system, helping to ward off disease. Ingredients: horsetail, horseradish root, goldenrod herb, nettle leaf, knotgrass, parsley root, spearmint leaf


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Eine Packung KOTTAS Tee für Abwehrkräfte, aus weißem Papier.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for the body’s defenses

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus tea for the immune system contains strengthening herbs to support the immune system. Echinacea herb supports the body's defenses, while elderflower is traditionally used for colds. Marshmallow leaf protects the throat and mouth. The final ingredient is rosehip, a true vitamin C booster. Ingredients: elderflower, purple echinacea, marshmallow leaf, rosehip Net weight: ℮ 100g


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  • Eine weiße Packung KOTTAS Kräutertee für Bronchien und Atemwege.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for the bronchi and airways

    The KOTTAS Kräuterhaus combines high-quality herbs in a mixture that provides relief for ailing bronchial tubes and respiratory tract. Thus, herbs such as marshmallow leaves relieve coughing and protect the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, ribwort fights infections, mullein is expectorant and thyme is considered a well-tried remedy for respiratory diseases. Ingredients: marshmallow leaf, ribwort leaf, marshmallow root, thyme leaf, mullein flower, mallow flower


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Dr.Kottas_Webshop_Anzeigebild_Kräutertee_Niere.jpg

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for the Kidney

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus herbal tea for the kidneys contains carefully selected medicinal herbs in pharmacy quality. Horsetail and nettle leaves stimulate kidney activity and increase the flow of urine. Thus, the urinary tract is flushed and the kidneys are supported. Preparation: Per cup, pour a quarter of a litre (250 ml) of boiling water over one heaping tablespoon of the tea mixture and let it steep for 15 minutes, covered. Then strain the tea and drink a cup several times a day, sipping lukewarm. The tea should be drunk regularly over a long period of time. Ingredients: Horsetail, parsley root, nettle leaf, knotweed, goldenrod, peppermint leaf Net weight: ℮ 70 g


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Eine weiße Papierverpackung von KOTTAS Venentee, mit grünen Akzenten.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea for veins

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    Light legs and healthy veins KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Herbal Tea for Veins combines carefully selected herbs for vein health and a feeling of light legs. For example, horse chestnut blossom has astringent effects and strengthens blood vessels and veins. Buckwheat herb promotes blood circulation and elasticity, while lemon balm leaf is relaxing and antispasmodic.   Ingredients: Horse chestnut flower, buckwheat herb, lemon balm leaf, hawthorn herb with flower, rosemary leaf, orange flower, mate leaves, curled mint, mallow flower Preparation: Pour a quarter of a litre (250 ml) of boiling water over one heaping tablespoon of the tea mixture per cup and let it steep covered for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink lukewarm one cup at a time several times a day. The tea should be drunk regularly over a long period of time. Storage: Store in a dry place and not above room temperature. Close aroma protection package tightly after opening. Net weight: ℮ 160 g


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Eine weiße Packung KOTTAS Tee für die Abwehrkräfte.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Herbal tea forte with Artemisia for the body’s defenses

    We bring herbs for the body's defenses into your cup! Carefully selected medicinal herbs support the immune system and protect us against stressful situations. For example, coneflower helps the body's own defenses, marshmallow leaves are good for the throat and mugwort has a decongestant and relaxing effect. Ingredients: Elderflower, purple coneflower, marshmallow leaf, annual mugwort, chamomile flower, rosehip without seed. Preparation: For each cup (250ml) add one heaped tablespoon of the tea mixture and pour a quarter liter (250ml) of boiling water over it, let it steep covered for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink a cup several times a day, sipping it lukewarm. The tea should be drunk regularly over a long period of time. Storage: Store aroma-protected, dry and not above room temperature (25 °C). Net weight: ℮ 70 g


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Weiße KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Teepackung mit getrockneten Blättern der Zitronenverbene für einen Teeaufguss

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Lemon Verbena Folium Verbenae odoratae

    Calming, digestible for the stomach Known in France as "verveine", this herbal tea has an elegant, fresh and slightly lemony flavour. It brings a touch of summer to your cup – in the spirit of the French attitude to life, which is characterised by lightness, passion, cheerfulness and relaxation. Preparation: Pour a quarter of a litre (250 ml) of boiling water over one tablespoon of lemon verbena leaves per cup, cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink a cup once or twice a day. The tea can be enjoyed lukewarm or cold. Storage: Store in a dry place and not above room temperature. Close the flavour protection packaging tightly after opening. Filling weight: ℮ 50 g


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Eine Packung Brennnesselblätter in weißer Verpackung mit grünen Akzenten.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Nettle leaves Folium Urticae

    To increase the volume of urine in catarrh of the draining urinary tract, in urinary gravel and to prevent urinary stones. Ingredients: nettle leaves


    All prices are incl. VAT
  • Eine weiße Packung loser Pfefferminzblätter. Verziert mit grünem Firmenlogo.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Peppermint leaves Folium Menthae piperitae

    For complaints in the gastrointestinal tract as well as the bile ducts. Preparation: For a cup of tea (125 ml) pour 1-2 teaspoons of peppermint leaves with boiling water and steep for 10 minutes covered. Then strain the tea and drink 3 to 4 times a day a cup lukewarm between meals.


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  • Eine Packung KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Salbeiblätter.

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Sage leaves Folium Salviae officinalis

    For inflammation of gums, as well as the oral and pharyngeal mucosa and increased sweating. Ingredients: Sage leaves


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  • Detox, Frühjahrskur, Fasten, Detox-Kur

    KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
    Spring detox with chicory

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    Spring is all about letting go of the old and recharging your batteries. Our KOTTAS spring cure with chicory contains high-quality herbs in pharmaceutical quality that support you in this process. Pansies help with inner restlessness, nettle cleanses the body and chicory stimulates the metabolism and is good for the gastrointestinal tract. Ingredients: Pansy herb, nettle leaf, chicory, yarrow herb, dandelion leaf, peppermint leaf, marigold flower


    All prices are incl. VAT
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