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KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
Vegi Sue Stomach

KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
Vegi Sue Stomach


All prices are incl. VAT
Delivery Time: ca. 2 - 7 business days


Carrot, caraway, celery – not only does it sound like a poem, but its harmonious flavour is also a real treat for the palate! Trust your gut feeling and treat yourself to a little vegetable and herb kick in your teacup. Our aromatic Vegi Sue Magen vegetable tea from KOTTAS Kräuterhaus is a real delight for your taste buds and a blessing for your digestion at the same time.

The salt-free blend caresses your stomach and gives you a cosy, warm feeling in your tummy. With the delicate flavours of parsnips, leek, garlic and other vegetables, this unique tea is reminiscent of the well-known vegetable soup. Lovage, parsley and co. provide the necessary flavour. And if you fancy more pep in your cup, you can refine your vegetable and herb blend with salt, spices and herbs to taste.

Ingredients: Parsnips, carrots, cheese poplar, celery root, leek, lovage, tomatoes, caraway, parsley, garlic

Preparation: Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon per cup, cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Your vegetable tea is ready!

Tip: For a more intense flavour experience, use 2 tablespoons per cup.

Storage: Protect the flavour, store in a dry place and do not store above room temperature (25 °C).

Filling weight: ℮ 100 g

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