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KOTTAS Gurktaler Mild Alpine Herbal Tea

KOTTAS Gurktaler Mild Alpine Herbal Tea


All prices are incl. VAT
Delivery Time: ca. 2 - 7 business days

The herbs for this mild Gurktaler blend grow exclusively in Austria. The mild Gurktaler® blend contains Alpine herbs that are also carefully processed according to a secret recipe in the well-known Gurktaler Alpine herbal liqueur.

Ingredients: Lemon balm, fennel, ribwort plantain, peppermint, mallow, thyme

Contents: 20 filter bags

Preparation: Pour boiling water over 1 filter bag per cup (125 ml), cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then squeeze out the filter bag well.

SKU: 33SCHLUMGURK00000000 Category:

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