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KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
Meditation Tea

KOTTAS Kräuterhaus
Meditation Tea


All prices are incl. VAT
Delivery Time: ca. 2 - 7 business days

Meditation tea – herbal tea for more mindfulness & relaxation!

The fruity-spicy herbal blend KOTTAS Kräuterhaus Meditation Tea is ideal for getting in the mood for meditation, autogenic training and other relaxation exercises. The carefully selected recipe of stimulating spices, such as cardamom in combination with herbs with a calming effect, such as lavender and chamomile flowers promotes the central aspects of meditation: mindfulness, focus and relaxation.

The meditation tea consists exclusively of 100% natural ingredients:
without preservatives, without flavor enhancers, without artificial additives, without added salt and sugar, caffeine-free and it’s vegan.

KOTTAS Meditation Tea is not only suitable for getting in the mood for meditation, but is also an ideal beverage for yoga, Pilates and other sports.

Ingredients: Rosehip, hibiscus, lemongrass, sunflower, cardamom, peppermint, mallow flower, chamomile, cinnamon, lavender flower.

Preparation: Add 2-3 teaspoons per cup (250ml) and cover with boiling water. Let steep covered for 10mins, strain and enjoy!

Storage: Aroma protected. Store dry and not over room temperature (25 ° C).

Net weight: ℮ 80 g

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