Expert tips
Many teas, many best preparation methods
Is tea preparation really just ‘pour hot water over a filter bag’? Not at all. Please follow the individual dosage and preparation instructions on each KOTTAS tea speciality to achieve the best taste experience.
For some teas – such as DR. KOTTAS Ceylon Gold and DR. KOTTAS Mate tea – you can even influence the effect of your tea yourself through the way it is prepared and the infusion time. With our high-quality green teas, several infusions are possible, which differ in flavour and aroma. If you are using a teapot, rinse it with hot water before brewing. Preheating the teapot improves the flavour of the tea as the water stays hot longer during the infusion.
As a general rule, tea should always be brewed and enjoyed fresh.
TIP: Cover medicinal herbal teas for maximum effect. The valuable and effective essential oils can otherwise evaporate prematurely, in keeping with their name.

Filter bags and open teas
For quick, uncomplicated tea enjoyment, we recommend DR. KOTTAS tea specialities in practical filter bags that protect the aroma and active ingredients.Preparation is particularly simple: pour fresh boiling water over one filter bag per cup (125 – 150 ml) and observe the infusion time stated on the packet.
Preparing a tea infusion from open (loose) herbs and tea leaves is experienced by many people as particularly sensual or even celebrated as a ceremony. Here’s how to do it: If you want to use tea filters or tea eggs, make sure that they are large enough. Only then can the medicinal herbs and tea plants spread out and develop their full flavour. Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of herbs per cup (125 – 150 ml). Pour fresh, boiling water over your herbs or speciality tea and leave to infuse, covered, for the appropriate infusion time.