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Mix you herbs

Mix your own tea!

With the KOTTAS Kräutermixer, you can easily create your own tea and herbal blend. Choose your favourites from 100 carefully selected herbs. We then make your tea blend by hand in the heart of Vienna and deliver it straight to your door!

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Let's go! Create your own herbal mix or order a single herb.

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Baby's digestive tea

Bitter fennel, whole 30 %Chamomile flower 26 %Mallow leaf austriaca, cut 22 %Apple mint leaf austriaca ORGANIC, cut 22 %
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Breastfeeding tea

Lemon balm leaf, cut 23 %Bitter fennel, whole 20 %Coriander, whole 20 %Mallow leaf austriaca, cut 15 %Fenugreek seed, whole 12 %Anise, granulated 10 %
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Bronchial tea

Marshmallow root, peeled, cut 50 %Thyme 25 %Ribwort plantain leaf, cut 25 %
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A herbal mixture to support aching bronchial tubes and irritable coughs.

Cordial mixture

Lemon balm leaf, cut 40 %Hawthorne leaf with flower, cut 35 %Peppermint leaf, cut 25 %
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Hawthorn leaves support the performance of the heart. Lemon balm provides relaxation. Peppermint leaves give the mixture a pleasantly fresh flavour.

Feel-good tea

Rosehip peels, cut 30 %Apple, cut 25 %Lemongrass, cut 25 %Apple mint leaf austriaca ORGANIC, cut 20 %
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This harmonious tea blend brings well-being and relaxation to your everyday life.

Fine stomach mixture

Mallow leaf austriaca, cut 30 %Lemon balm leaf, cut 30 %Yarrow herb, cut 15 %Chamomile flower 15 %Bitter fennel, whole 10 %
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This tea blend contains classic digestive herbs to soothe the gastrointestinal tract.

Flush, please!

Nettle leaf, cut 40 %Horsetail herb, cut 40 %Juniper berries, whole 10 %Peppermint leaf, cut 10 %
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Nettle and horsetail stimulate kidney activity and thus increase the urinary flow. To support mild complaints of the urinary tract.

For the menopause

Lady’s mantle herb, cut 32 %Lemon balm leaf, cut 24 %Lavender flower, super blue 24 %Hop cones, cut 10 %Sage leaf, cut 10 %
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This tea blend can help with typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes.

Herbs for the immune system

Purple coneflower, cut 25 %Cistus leaf, cut 25 %Elderflower, grated 25 %Lemon balm leaf, cut 25 %
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Herbal mixture with purple coneflower and cistus to strengthen the body’s defences.

Menstrual tea

Yarrow herb, cut 28 %Silverweed, cut 28 %Chamomile flower 28 %Lemon balm leaf, cut 16 %
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This mixture combines herbs that can relieve typical menstrual cramps and ensure a sense of well-being during your period.

Mixture for the throat

Mallow leaf austriaca, cut 50 %Cistus leaf, cut 25 %Iceland moss, cut 15 %Sage leaf, cut 10 %
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Mixture with soothing herbs for sore throats and hoarseness.

Power smooth tea

Nettle leaf, cut 50 %Meadowsweet flower, grated 20 %Rosehip peels, cut 15 %Lemon balm leaf, cut 15 %
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This tea mixture contains carefully selected herbs that can contribute to the relief of minor joint complaints.

Smooth digestion

Mallow leaf austriaca, cut 30 %Yarrow herb, cut 20 %Peppermint leaf, cut 20 %Bitter fennel, whole 15 %Chamomile flower 15 %
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This carefully balanced herbal blend supports with digestive problems and complaints.

Strong nerves tea

Passion flower herb, cut 37 %Green oat herb, cut 33 %Lemon balm leaf, cut 30 %
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This balanced tea blend combines herbs for well-being and a good night’s sleep.

Time for cleansing

Nettle leaf, cut 50 %Birch leaf, cut 10 %Peppermint leaf, cut 10 %Coriander, whole 10 %Dandelion root, cut 10 %Dandelion leaf, cut 10 %
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Herbal mixture for gentle cleansing from the inside.

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- KOTTAS Kräuter & Gewürze
You are responsible for mixing the herbs yourself. Your recipe will not be checked for usefulness and compatibility (e.g. allergies, etc.). We expressly point out that the information provided is in no way a substitute for advice or treatment by trained and recognised experts (e.g. doctors, pharmacists, etc.). If you have any complaints, illnesses or are taking medication, you should discuss the use of the tea recipe with your doctor or pharmacist.
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